Shipping Method | Cost | Ships from Warehouse in: | Delivered in: |
Standard Shipping | $9 | 2-5 business days | 2-5 business days after date shipped |
FedEx 2 Day Air | $16 | 1-2 business days | 2-3 business days after date shipped |
International Shipping | By Weight + Duties | 3-5 business days | 5-10 business days after date shipped |
*This timeline is an estimate only and not guaranteed. During a launch week, it may take an additional 5-7 days for your order to process before being shipped due to extremely high volume.
You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number once your order ships. If you're missing items or shipments, or if you have concerns about the products you received, contact us within 7 days of the delivery date.
We will submit a claim with the carrier on your behalf to locate the package. Please allow up to 10 business days for us to resolve the issue with the carrier.
We ship internationally to select regions. All international orders are shipped via FedEx International Economy, arriving within 5-7 days. Duties and taxes are included in the freight costs.
*Please note that all international shipments are considered FINAL SALE and not eligible for exchange or refund.
We offer digital gift cards that can be purchased and used on our website. These gift cards are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash. Gift cards will be sent via email to the recipient and can be redeemed online. If you have any questions regarding your digital gift card, please contact us at
We recommend trying on all items in your order before washing to ensure they fit. We cannot accept returns or refunds after items have been washed or worn. All items must be returned within 30 days of receipt of the order and must be:
Items cannot be returned after this 30-day timeframe, no exceptions. Return costs are paid by the shipper for all refunds, but the label fee is waived for all exchanges and store credit scenarios.
Gifted items that are eligible for return can be returned for credit in the form of a gift card. You will need the original purchaser's name and order number.
We stand by our products and want to ensure that they last through standard wear and tear. In the case of a defect, please notify us within 30 days of receiving the product. Items that have been washed or worn are not eligible for return if damage is related to standard wear and tear.